11 Nov 2024

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students
Jamison High School will be holding our Year 6 into 7 Orientation Day on Tuesday 03 December 2024.
All Year 6 students who will be attending Jamison High School in 2025 are invited to attend the day. Parents and caregivers will be responsible for accompanying their child to Jamison High School by 8:50am. We will start with a special assembly in our school hall at 9:00am.
During this assembly parents and students will be informed of our school procedures, uniform policy, wellbeing and support programs, class structures and other relevant information.
Following the assembly, Year 6 students will experience a tour of the school, a mini lesson, a sport session and a Peer Support Session on adjusting to high school. The Uniform Shop will be open during the morning.
Students will need to wear their primary school uniform, and bring their own recess and water bottle. A barbecue lunch will be provided free of charge to all year 6 students.
The day will conclude at 2pm at whichtime students will be dismissed and will need to be collected by a parent from the front quad area.
We trust that students find this day to be informative and we look forward to meeting you.
If there are any enquiries about this day, please contact Chris Morris (Year 7 Student Adviser 2025) or Vanessa Larwood (Head Teacher Wellbeing) on (02) 4731 6150.