Jamison High School

Achieve Through Cooperation

Telephone02 4731 6150


School uniform

Jamison High School's Uniform

We care about our students and their image in the community. One of the many aspects of Jamison High School that is respected by our local community is that our students wear their school uniform with pride. This has benefitted our students for many years as numerous employers are willing to offer our students apprenticeships, cadetships, part and full time employment as they present well in their school uniform in and around the local area. Jamison High has a strict uniform policy and therefore a NEAT and TIDY appearance at all times is essential.

School Uniform Requirements


  • White socks for all students
  • Blue embroidered school* polo shirt/shirt/blouse
  • School* grey school pants/shorts/skirts
  • School* sloppy jo/jumper/ – Maroon
  • School* Jacket – Maroon
  • P.E/Sports Uniform – JHS PE shirt, Maroon School* short, white socks, sports shoes


  • White socks for all students
  • White embroidered school* polo shirt/shirt/blouse
  • School* grey school pants/shorts/skirts
  • School* sloppy jo/jumper – Navy Blue
  • School* Jacket – Maroon, Yr 12 (pre ordered) Jacket
  • P.E/Sports Uniform – JHS PE shirt, Maroon School* short, white socks, sports shoes

SHOES (All Students)

Black enclosed leather with black shoe laces – NO coloured markings/logos


  • School* cap  
  • Scarf – maroon, navy blue

N.B: School* refers to garment displaying Jamison High School (JHS) Logo


Footwear - Only black leather lace-up shoes are permitted. This is in line with departmental work, health and safety regulations. For a list of acceptable footwear please see the school uniform policy page.

Non-school items - Tracksuit pants, hoodies, non-school hats and non-school coloured items of any kind are NOT part of the Jamison High School Uniform and are unacceptable attire for any reason. 

Our policy is to supply loan socks, jumpers, pants and skirts (with tights if requested) for students to change into for the day if they are not in correct uniform. 

Students out of uniform who attend school without a note are also required to attend detention.

Jewellery - Work, health and safety requirements apply. 

Facial piercings - Banned. In line with work health & safety (WHS) requirements, unsafe facial piercings are banned from school. This includes, but is not limited to lip rings, eyebrow rings and tongue piercings.

School uniform policies

Our uniform has been designed to meet the safety requirements of the Department. Please click here for more information about our school rules regarding our uniform.

Uniform shop

All uniform items can be bought from our uniform shop (the only supplier of the Jamison High School uniform). They are located in the school grounds adjacent to the staff car park.

A list of items available from the Uniform shop can be found below as well as under the Uniform Shop tab in the menu.