Jamison High School

Achieve Through Cooperation

Telephone02 4731 6150


Careers and Transition pathways

Careers objective

Our careers program aims to prepare the students to be the managers of their own careers. We teach them to be adaptable, resourceful and resilient lifelong learners who can successfully negotiate the challenges they will encounter in the 21st-century workplace.

Careers and transition at Jamison High School

Our careers and transition team caters to the broad range of vocational opportunities for our students. We build students skills in three key areas:

  1. Personal management
    building and maintaining a positive self-concept
  2. Learning and work exploration
    locate and effectively use career information
  3. Career building
    understand, engage in and manage the career-building process

Our program consists of three key principles:

  1. Planning
    discussing ideas with key people, undertaking work placement/work experience, volunteering, completing online surveys and searching websites.
  2. Preparation
    attending careers expos, information sessions, open days, making enquiries, preparing applications, meeting application deadlines, resume` updating and maintaining an e-portfolio.
  3. Positive transition
    commitment to school programs – trade training, VET, ATAR, Ready for Work which improve students' chances to secure employment, apprenticeships, traineeships, cadetships, further training or university.

Careers News

Year 10 Subject Selection Information

Year 10 Subject Selection is coming up soon. Read about what this means for you in the PowerPoint Slides attached below. This information comes from NESA and is aimed at Year 10 students and parents. There is also a lot of information in the Careers Google classroom for students to access as well!

Year 10 Subject Selection 2020 PowerPoint

Jamison High School careers

Our aim is to provide you with all the latest information that will help you make decisions about your future career and your life beyond school. 

You can use our career site to locate University, TAFE and any other type of course across Australia, get information about the HSC, search for job vacancies and much more.

Job jump 

Current job vacancies for that career. Whether it is an apprenticeship for budding  carpenters, plumbers, electricians, mechanics or chefs, you name it, they are ready and waiting on Job jump website.

Jamison High School has a subscription to use the job jump website to access careers information. Every student and their parents can have access to the most current careers information at any time. There is also lots of helpful information and links to other sites to help you plan for life after school.

To register for careers email alerts follow the steps below:


Enter: Jamison High

Password: Panther.