Our new lockers are installed and are ready for hire.
The cost is normally $20 per year.
To hire a locker:
Students collect a School Locker Procedure Policy and Agreement form from the front office. Parents and students complete the agreement form and return it to the front office with payment. Students will then be issued with a locker allocation slip.
Students present the locker allocation slip to the General Assistant at recess in the main foyer between the senior quads. The General Assistant will allocate lockers at recess.
Where possible, Year 11 and 12 students will have lockers allocated in the senior quads and Years 7 to 10 students will have lockers allocated in D and E Block.
The provision of lockers has been something that we have been exploring to support our BYOD program. During remote learning we surveyed students regarding the use of lockers and based on responses, we have 336 available for hire.
As part of the hiring agreement, students are required to provide their own padlock.
A copy of the School Locker form can be found here:
School Locker Procedure Policy and Agreement form