School Merit system
Merit Awards are awarded to students by classroom teachers for any result, activity or effort which is worthy of recognition. Once students collect enough merit awards to receive a faculty, they can convert their merits into house points and go into the running for our PBL prizes.
Faculty Awards are awarded by Head Teachers in areas such as academic performance, attendance, class work, homework, school and community service etc. For students receiving 5 Teacher’s Awards (Year 7 – 9) or 3 Teacher’s Awards (Year 10 – 12).
Year Awards are awarded by the Year Adviser to students in Year 7 – 9 who receive four Faculty Awards and students in Year 10 – 12 who receive three Faculty Awards.
Deputy Principal Awards are awarded to students in Years 7 – 9 who receive three Year Awards and students in Years 10 – 12 who receive two Year Awards.
Principal's Medallion is awarded to students who receive two Deputy Principal Certificates.
John Jamison Medal is awarded to the student who has received the most number of Faculty Awards in each year group.
Mulheron Medal is awarded to the student in the school who has received the most overall number of Faculty Awards.